Imagine all the money you will save when you are gathering your own fresh organic eggs from one of these distinctive, quality-built chicken coops. You can find a great variety of styles and sizes that will be a perfect fit for your flock – at very reasonable prices.
These handcrafted hen houses have been designed for the comfort and safety of your chickens as well as easier egg collecting for you. You’ll find standard features like nesting boxes, a roosting bar, a keyed entry door and pressurized plywood flooring. The insulated roofing material — LP Tech Shield® Roof Sheathing — is designed to keep the chickens cool in warmer weather..
You can also choose features to make your job a little easier. For instance, adding electricity means you can avoid changing a frozen water bowl several times a day. A removable litter tray greatly simplifies clean-up and keeps your hens healthier. Automatic doors could give you peace of mind – as an extra deterrent against predators. Or maybe you would like to add wheels to your smaller model coop – and keep your grass lush and thriving.
Let us know what’s important to you and help you find the perfect hen house. Our coops are available painted or with board and batten siding. Choose from many models – or you may be interested in a special customized package. Drop by and have a look.